Finances and Perks





Loan Deferment


As a postdoctoral scholar you may qualify for loan deferment. You will need to send the following to your loan agency*:

  1. The Graduate Fellowship Deferment Request form filled out. Postdoctoral positions at Penn State count as graduate fellowships for the purposes of this form, so you can select “yes” for numbers 2 and 3. For question 4, this includes any research statement or similar documents, you may have used when you applied for the position at Penn State.
  2.  A copy of your offer letter. If you do not have a copy of your offer letter reach out to the HR representative in your department to obtain one.
  3.  A letter from your mentor/PI confirming the following:

a. That you are a Postdoctoral Scholar in X department at Penn State

b. The duration of your appointment with the start and end dates noted.

c. That Postdoctoral Scholars are considered to be advanced trainees.

d. Some details of your work and training under your mentor.